The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) recently instituted the “Alliance for Digital Bharat” (ADB) with support from MasterCard. The ADB consists of several organizations from different industries including transporters, farmers, MSMEs, hawkers, labourers, self-employed groups, as well as women entrepreneurs, consumers and other stakeholders.
A multi-stakeholder conference was organised under the aegis of the ADB on 6th October, 2016, to discuss the opportunities and challenges of a less-cash ecosystem. The following white paper was authored by Koan Advisory as part of its knowledge engagement with ADB and released by Minister of Power, Shri Piyush Goyal, on 03 December:
A less cash society: Towards a stakeholder centric approach: d/0B- tlOGzCdDrlazlENEdGX2hEWGVkd2hs Q0ZuekhqVnBPUjJr/view?usp= sharing
A multi-stakeholder conference was organised under the aegis of the ADB on 6th October, 2016, to discuss the opportunities and challenges of a less-cash ecosystem. The following white paper was authored by Koan Advisory as part of its knowledge engagement with ADB and released by Minister of Power, Shri Piyush Goyal, on 03 December:
A less cash society: Towards a stakeholder centric approach: